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Vidial: The Best Shopify app for UGC Videos | Build By Swishtag

By May 24, 2024Projects6 min read
Best Shopify app for UGC Videos

92% of customers read online reviews before making a purchase, and 84% of people trust recommendations from friends, family, and even strangers online. User generated content (UGC) is the best way to increase brand awareness and conversions. But collecting video testimonials manually is a time-consuming & inefficient process especially in the ecommerce industry. Swishtag developed the best Shopify app for UGC “Vidial” that streamlines the entire process, allowing you to effortlessly collect customer feedback. How? Let’s find out.

Struggling to get real customer reviews that convert? You’re not alone. 

Traditionally, Collecting video testimonials has been a cumbersome task. It requires manually reaching out to customers, hoping they respond, then dealing with the technical hurdles of video recording and collection. But what if there was a way to streamline this process and leverage the power of social proof to skyrocket your conversions?

Swishtag has made it quite simple. We developed a top Shopify video testimonial app that automates the reviews process. It sends out email requests with customized questions and offers a central dashboard to manage all the video testimonials. 

best Shopify app for UGC

Later on, these authentic UGC videos from real customers can be used for running product ads that perform well. 

authentic UGC videos

Why are Customer Reviews important?

Social proof, the psychological phenomenon where people are influenced by the actions or opinions of others, is a fundamental force in consumer behavior. consumers are bombarded with marketing messages and It’s become increasingly difficult for brands to stand out and establish trust with potential customers. 

Here User generated content like customer reviews, testimonials, feedback, and product videos bridge this trust gap

Video testimonials are particularly powerful Authenticity, Emotional Connection, Credibility Boost that increase engagement. 

Shoppers who view video testimonials convert at a rate 18% higher than those who don’t

How can you collect video testimonials from Shopify customers

There are two main ways normally to increase customer trust for your brand. These are:

1- Manual Outreach

The basic manual outreaching is through emails. You can draft an email requesting video testimonials and send it to your customers but this is time-consuming and has a low response rate.

2- Social Media Outreaching – Send the Messages Directly

In this approach, you reach out to your satisfied customers on social media platforms and politely request them to create video testimonials. This Social UGC method can be more engaging, but managing responses across different platforms can be challenging.

3- Influencer Marketing – Collaborate with the influencers in Your Niche

Partnering with influencers can be a great way to generate a lot of UGC quickly. However, this approach can be expensive, especially if you need reviews for multiple products

4- Shopify Product Review Apps for Organic UGC Collection

Encouraging real customers to create UGC organically is a more authentic approach. However, this method can be slow, especially if you’re manually reaching out to every customer individually and requesting their feedback. Shopify UGC Apps speedify the whole process and increase response rate. 

Best Product Review Apps for 2024 on Shopify

Here are the top 5 product reviews and upsell app on Shopify App store.

  1. Vidial ‑ UGC Video Testimonial
  2. Loox ‑ Product Reviews App
  3. Vitals: Reviews, Upsells
  4. LAI Ali Product Reviews
  5. Product Reviews App

Swishtag Developed Vidial Shopify App to Get Social Proof

We offered a more affordable and more efficient solution in the Shopify app by incentivizing customer participation. We reward customers who create video testimonials by sending them gift cards. 

Vidial Shopify App to Get Social Proof

Main Features of the App

  • Automatically collect authentic user-generated content (UGC) directly from your customers
  • Boost customer loyalty by incentivizing repeat purchases with gift cards
  • Tailor instructions to ensure high-quality video testimonials
  • Effortlessly manage UGC with one-click approval or decline automated UGC management
  • Implement a reward system to encourage engagement and save money by filtering out inauthentic UGC creators

Complete Steps How Vidial Shopify UGC App Works

Vidial automates client feedback for merchants by generating an auto email when an order is made in the store. Here’s how it works:

  • Install Vidial app on your Shopify store.
  • Make comprehensive customization settings in your Shopify Dashboard.
  • The Vidial app’s Dashboard offers comprehensive customization settings, allowing merchants to specify the time and date for triggering the first email.
  • Set the timing for triggering the initial email according to your preferences.
  • For email automation, Swishtag provides two integration options in the app to facilitate merchants. It allows Vidial to be integrated with Klaviyo and Mailgun, two widely used email automation software platforms.
  • The email sent to customers includes customized questions regarding product and guidelines to ensure that product reviews are genuine and authentic, emphasizing the importance of maintaining quality.
  • Customers create product review videos and submit them via the provided link in the initial email, which redirects users to a specific page within the app designed for uploading user-generated content (UGC) videos.
  • For database management, Swishtag offers two options for store owners: they can either utilize Vidial App Database to store customer videos or use their own storage space. Additionally, there’s an option for Google Drive integration with the app.
  • Once uploaded, the UGC management team has the option to accept or reject feedback videos based on quality criteria, all with just one click.
  • If a video is approved, the customer receives rewards in the form of gift cards.

Video Tutorial: How to Use Vidial App (Overview)

Swishtag’s Vidial isn’t just another app; it’s a game-changer for Shopify stores. By automating the process and introducing a reward-based system, Swishtag has demonstrated its commitment to innovation and excellence in developing e-commerce solutions.

If you’re a Shopify store owner facing a specific challenge that public Shopify apps can’t solve, contact Swishtag for a custom solution tailored to your needs..

What Problems Shopify Store Owners Face While Using Shopify?

  • Usually public Shopify apps offer limited customization options for merchants with recurring monthly costs. We can help you build a custom solution tailored to your needs.
  • We bring innovative ideas to life, whether you’re a startup or seeking to develop your own Shopify App/SaaS products, We offer the technology support you need.
  • With experience in publishing multiple apps on the Shopify app store, Swishtag can help navigate the challenging criteria for app approval.
  • We offer lifetime support for the products we develop, ensuring you’re never left alone with any issues or concerns.

Swishtag wants you to just focus on your business growth, not on Technology


What is the best solution for collecting product reviews?

The best solution for collecting product reviews is Vidial, the Shopify UGC app developed by Swishtag. It automates the process of collecting authentic user-generated content (UGC) directly from your customers. It streamlines the entire process of gathering product reviews effortlessly with just one click.

Who developed the Vidial Shopify UGC app?

Vidial, the best Shopify UGC app, was developed by Swishtag, an ecommerce development company specializing in custom solutions for Shopify. With their expertise in developing innovative apps, Swishtag has revolutionized the process of collecting video testimonials and product reviews.

What are the best apps to get reviews for your products?

Some of the best apps to get reviews for your products include Vidial, Loox, Vitals, LAI Ali and Among these, Vidial stands out for its automation, customization, and reward-based system.

How to collect video testimonials on Shopify?

To collect video testimonials on Shopify, you can use the Vidial Shopify UGC app developed by Swishtag. It automates the process by sending email requests to customers, allowing for question customization, and providing a central dashboard to manage all video testimonials. Customers can easily upload their video testimonials through a dedicated link, making the process seamless and efficient.


In summary, Vidial by Swishtag is the go-to solution for Shopify stores wanting to gather genuine customer feedback effortlessly. It simplifies the process by sending automated emails, allowing customers to share their experiences easily. With customizable features and a reward system, Vidial makes it simple for merchants to boost their brand credibility and engagement with social proofs.